November favorites, final week

I don’t know why the powers-that-be decided NaNoWriMo should be the same month as Thanksgiving, but I suppose you could make an argument against any month, and they had to pick one of the twelve.

Writing this past week has been a struggle, partly because of the holiday, partly because of a majestic bird, and partly because some unruly bit-part characters (so minor I didn’t even name them at first) announced that I must tell their story, too. Their story matters, but it may mean NaNoWriMo takes up all of December for me, too. (That’s not necessarily a bad thing.) Continue reading

Favorites on Thanksgiving Eve

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to my U.S. friends and family. I hope your grocery shopping is done, and if not, may the parking spaces be close and the lines be short.

For those of you following along with my NaNoWriMo updates, this past week was the toughest so far. The words didn’t flow, and neither did the ink (several more pens are done). Not counting what I wrote yesterday—a decent writing day—that I still need to type up, I’m at 29,546 words.

I’m hoping for a productive writing afternoon, and then this evening, I’ll be making my mother’s cranberry relish for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving dinner with friends.

Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving or having an ordinary day in some other part of the world, I hope you have a great day.

I’ll leave you with a few favorites from the week:


A hummingbird’s Thanksgiving feast

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More November favorites

I hope for those of you working on NaNoWriMo that it’s going well for you. I’ve fought some distractions (see photos three and four below), but I’m making progress and enjoying—for the most part anyway—what I’m accomplishing. I have more than 20,000 words now, here at the start of the second half of November.

I was wondering out loud with someone yesterday, “Where did November go? How is Thanksgiving already next week” I realize as I write this post, my November has gone into my novel, a September almost 90 years ago. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Where has your November gone?


Otters at the river, so fun to watch and so hard to capture from a distance.

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Favorite November photos

As I mentioned in last week’s post, NaNoWriMo is in full swing, and my story is taking shape. I have 10,000+ words, and though some days are harder than others, it feels good to be working on a piece of fiction for a change.

I’ve found a decent working rhythm, too, and a way to know my daily word count. I write in a notebook because I prefer the weight of a pen in my hand and the flow of ink onto the page, but each day, I begin by typing what I’ve written the day before. That serves two purposes: I know my word count, and it draws me back into the story where I left it.

I took Sunday off for a day of rest. I don’t know how the rest of you NaNoWriMo writers feel about taking days off, but I’m going to follow the commandment for a Sabbath rest. My husband and I took a ride out to apple country, and today’s three favorites are from our trip there.


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Something new for November

I’ve never tried NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but this year, I’ve gotten excited about a writing project and am going to try my hand at some fiction for a change. Whether it ends up being a novella or a novel remains to be seen, but I’m looking forward to a bit of a break from the project I had been working on. (Those of you anticipating that project, don’t fret. I’ll pick it back up in December, and I’m hoping it will be with a renewed heart for it.)

Given that I’ll focus on the novel writing, this month’s posts will be short (unless you consider that a picture is worth a thousand words). Each week, I’ll share a few photos I’ve taken during the week—each one a favorite because of the image itself, the place I took it, or the emotion it evokes.



A common sight in November’s trees

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