About the blog

One of my favorite trees flourishing in autumn beauty

For several years now, I’ve been delving into the Bible to read about trees … and how our lives can – and should – be like flourishing trees. So here’s what you’ll find on this blog: musings about what makes our lives flourish.

For me, that includes writing, running, art, reading, photography and music. And, of course, making sense of God’s Word and the biblical encounters that teach us how to cultivate lives pleasing to God.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey, and I invite you to share how your own lives are like flourishing trees.
The photographs on this blog
Unless otherwise noted, I took the photographs posted in this blog. If you copy or reuse them, please provide a link back to this site.

15 thoughts on “About the blog

  1. It’s wonderful to see your reverence for the Bible and its connection to our lives flourishing like trees.

    Interesting Tidbit: Were you aware that the Bible references trees more than 300 times, symbolizing growth, strength, and the sustenance of life? This symbolism aligns beautifully with the theme of your blog. 📖🌳

    One of my cherished verses is Jeremiah 17:7-8, which eloquently illustrates the rewards of placing trust in the Lord. It likens this trust to a deeply-rooted tree that continues to thrive and bear fruit even in the face of adversity.

  2. Hi! I love your blog and the focus on flourishing (such a needed focus in the world). Because of that I nominated you for a Liebster Award… and then I read the comments here and saw that you have already been nominated. Oops. If the questions I posed are interesting and something that fits in your blogging schedule, great! You can find them here: http://faithfamilyandfocaccia.com/2014/05/10/liebster-award/. But if not, no worries. I will continue to enjoy reading your blog.

    • How very kind of you! What a nice treat for my day. I’ve just published my weekly post, but I’ll follow up on this one with a bonus post later this week. Thanks so much for liking me enough to nominate me.

    • Thanks, Patty. It’s such an honor to be acknowledged by a fellow blogger in this way. I’m not great with fitting awards into my weekly schedule, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love and appreciate them. So I hope my acknowledgement is enough for now, while I figure out a better way to pass on the encouragement to other bloggers.

      • I understand, I appreciate the bloggers I follow and find this is a fun way to recommend sites to others. Thank you for always having an inspiring word to share with us.

  3. Through my own spiritual journey I have found trees to symbolize so much of God’s goodness to me, His strength and like you said how we are to “flourish” and grow. I especially liked what you wrote: “making sense of God’s Word and the biblical encounters that teach us how to cultivate lives pleasing to God”. Blessings for a wonderful day! Patty

    • Thanks, Patty! I don’t think it’s an accident that there’s so much in nature that teaches us about God and his plans for us. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note. And blessings on your journey.

    • Thanks so much for linking to my blog on your post — what a kind compliment! I’m trying to figure out when/how I can play blog tag, because I like the idea of encouraging this sort of conversation with bloggers, but it may take me some time before I’m able to fit this one in. Please be patient! 🙂

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