Day 31: Beauty in a broken world

Year in and year out, the church calendar marks the passage of time. For many of us, we’re approaching a second Easter when we will not gather in our sanctuaries. And I think that’s why it’s especially important this year to hold on to traditions at home. For me that includes Easter decorations.

Easter eggs, one with lilies and one with dogwoods, painted by a friend who’s a cameo artist

Several Christmases ago, I shared photos of a Christmas jar with the star, the wise men, and the little town of Bethlehem. After my friend who painted the jar saw the post, she invited me to her house and asked me to pick out Easter eggs for my husband and me. I cherish these Easter eggs and delight in displaying them each year.

The egg with the lilies has a verse painted on the back: Luke 12:27.

Consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither labor nor spin; but I tell
you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.

Consider the lilies
Thanks to all of you who followed along with this month’s blog series and shared your images of beauty with me. I hope that even as the series draws to a close, you’ll continue to consider the lilies and all the other beauty in our broken world.

If you see something beautiful, I hope you’ll share it on Instagram (or your favorite social media platform) and tag it with #beautyinabrokenworld.

And now presented in living color

In last week’s post, I promised you the color versions of the flowers. Here they are. I hope you’ll let me know if you enjoy them more in black and white or in color.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. – Luke 12:27


A red/pink striped amaryllis reminds me of watermelon.


Small yellow flowers; I like the smaller flowers at their center, but they show up better in the black and white version.


I like the combination of this calycanthus’ deep red petals and pale yellow tips.

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